Another Milestone

Art for Tuesday blog with THCountzWrites

"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments." ~ Rose Kennedy

Happy Anniversary THCountzWrites!

We have made another milestone friends. Two years ago, in November I started THCountzWrites. Can you believe it? TWO years. Where has the time gone?

During those two years I have written 77 blogs (counting this one) and 18 short stories. That is a lot of words. My hope has always been that the words I share enlighten, uplift, and bring a kernel of hope into the world. And, yes, it would be great to have a bestselling novel in the mix.

When I began this journey, I had lofty ideas. I always do. If you are going to dream, might as well dream large, right? My original intent was to write a short story a week. While that did not work out, I have been able to pen a blog once a week. Baby steps.

I had thought The Red Chair would be complete and in the hands of readers. Nope, that hasn’t happened either. Also, I had envisioned a large group of reader subscriptions and patron supporters. That has also not happened, BUT I do have a small list of faithful readers and a group of wonderful patrons who support me monthly. Again, baby steps.

Isn’t that like life? We make huge plans and have ideas swirling around of what we want to happen. Sometimes, if we’re lucky, those ideas become reality. Most of the time those ideas turn in unexpected ways.

Does this mean I give up on my original ideas? For myself, no. The Red Chair will happen. I’m close to 110,000 words. 120,00 is the goal. It will happen; just not when I had thought.

I want to publish a book of short stories. That too, will happen. I have at least a half dozen ideas of children’s books. The Pearl Series is waiting for book three.

On and on it goes. Life happens, plans shift and evolve, but you know what? It’s all wonderful.

What I haven’t mentioned are the two children’s books that I helped illustrate for other authors. The opportunities I’ve had to give a class on finding your creativity. The time spent with friends and family.

Occasionally, we need the reminder that life is not a contest. There are no deadlines or finish lines that we must cross. Most of the time it is about living in the moment. This present moment is all we have. We rush through those moments out of obligation, responsibilities, etc.

Life is full of responsibilities that we need to address, granted. My message for you and me is that it is also okay to stop and enjoy the moment. In fact, I think it necessary.

I will continue to write, and I hope that you will continue to read. It would be appreciated if you’d invite a friend that loves to read to visit the website and subscribe.

We are a little over a week away from Thanksgiving here in the U.S. I want you to know how grateful I am for you. Thank you for showing up weekly. For your encouragement and friendship. I am privileged to have the platform to share my thoughts.

Happy Anniversary, THCountzWrites! Here’s to another year of words.

6 thoughts on “Another Milestone”

  1. I am so grateful to have been with you on this journey. Your words have been honest, inspiring, and fun. Thank you

  2. Happy Anniversary! Setting an goal and having the perseverance to continue, in spite of the happenstance of life is admirable.

  3. You have amazing talent Tracey and keep pursuing your dreams !! You will finish The Red Chair in a timely manner I suspect !!

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