Make America Love Again

Photo for Tuesday blog with THCountzWrites
Photo courtesy of Joyfully Yours

"When Jesus said love your neighbor, He knew your neighbor would act, look, believe and love differently from you. It's kind of the whole point." ~ Toby Mac of Speak Life

Make America Love Again

The slogan “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) has been prominently used by the current administration as a campaign slogan during all voting cycles in which he has participated. 

The landmass that is the United States of America has diverse landscapes and natural beauty. While many have experienced positive aspects, others have faced injustices and prejudice, sometimes involving government actions. Despite these challenges, the country has been a source of hope for people domestically and globally. Historically, the United States has encountered various problems and issues, yet it continues to be regarded by many as a significant symbol of hope and dreams.

We are at a crossroads on how we believe this country should be run. One thing that should never change is the fact that at the end of the day, we have the responsibility to change things in our own sphere. I believe that change begins with love.  

Last week a round of storms came through my hometown. A tornado bounced around and damaged several local businesses and residential homes. A few of those homes are in my neighborhood.

Tornadoes are not a new occurrence in our town. We suffered a major storm in 2014. Our neighborhood was hit hard then too. I saw the same thing that happened in 2014 again last week. Within minutes people in the neighborhood immediately went to check on their neighbors. Men brought their saws and tools to begin clearing trees, and helpers began cleaning up. 

If you pay attention, you can witness the acts of love all around you daily. The issue is that we are usually too busy, and most news outlets are not interested in those stories. They want they bigger story that will draw eyes; the more sensational, the better.

Our government needs a major rehaul and a new attitude and that must happen on an individual basis. What we have Houston is a failure of the heart. The real travesty is that both parties have been hijacked by the influence and money of outsiders. One party seems focused on greed and power and the other party cannot seem to get united and consistently appear too radical for most Americans. The behaviors of both parties make the slogan “Make America Great Again” a joke.

My recommendation is to start a new motto: Make America Love Again or MALA. Until we can love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves, our money and position, the need to be right about everything, nothing will ever truly be right.

Call me Pollyanna, but Jesus spent his life teaching and preaching about love. If I say I am a follower, then I need to be sure my actions match up. This includes you as well.

Instead of treating immigrants as criminals, how about deliberately welcoming them and find out their story. Perhaps if our standard procedure was one of compassion, maybe they would not feel the need to sneak in illegally. If they refuse to abide by the proper channels for legal citizenship, then invite them to leave. 

How about focusing less on people with gender dysphoria and more on the people of our nation that are struggling to pay their bills and eat? Instead of ostracizing the transgendered (or LGB), how about just loving them for who they are? Do you know or have known a transgendered individual? I have; their struggle is heartbreaking and very real.

Let’s talk about food prices. What is our government doing to help with that situation? Farmers and merchants must make a living, but what is being done to help make that easier so that their cost to us reduces instead of increases? 

What about providing counseling and proper sex education in schools so that abortion becomes less of an option? How about focusing on the men who get women pregnant. Women get judged, but what about the men? 

And then there is the gun issue. The right to bear arms is clearly abused. I absolutely believe a person should have the right, but I do not think I need an assault weapon to protect myself or hunt for food. 

In 2023, gun violence resulted in the deaths of 43,164 individuals, averaging 327 per day. Among these, 7,957 children under the age of 18 were wounded, resulting in 1,663 fatalities. In 2024, the numbers showed a decline, indicating progress with only 1,403 child fatalities.

Therefore, as a country we have decided that the cost of carrying guns is worth the loss of around 350 people per day, some of which are children. I do not believe for a minute that anyone truly thinks this is okay. Then why is gun reform in such opposition?

There are so many other issues that need attention. How we treat the planet and our water supplies. Insurance and prescription meds for all that are more than adequate (who wants just adequate anything?). Funding our schools and the arts so that our children are equipped for adulthood.

None of these issues are the fault of one person or administration but these topics are consistently discussed. Mutual respect and consideration are essential to foster improvement if America wants to be “great”. No political party can achieve this alone, but they should at least attempt to set an example for their constituents.

You might tire of my weekly reminder to love more and hate less. Personally, I am a work in progress. Somedays it is two steps forward, but one step back. It is a daily choice to ensure your actions and beliefs stem from love, not fear or misinformation. Granted, it’s tough to know whom to trust. This brings to mind another popular slogan: what would Jesus do?

Join me in creating a more positive environment. Start by practicing kindness, showing compassion, and extending grace and mercy. MALA, y’all! Amen.

2 thoughts on “Make America Love Again”

  1. Thank you, for the love you share each day! It lifts me up and makes me have a more positive attitude!
    Thanks for adding your beautiful voice to start my day. It will be a good one with my kindergarteners. I look forward to reminding them about the love they give and share and how it has an impact on our world!

  2. Do continue to be a Pollyanna. It’s a wonderful character trait to see a glass half full or appreciate the boomerang effect of scraps to compost.* I posit that this meanspiritedness comes from NOT loving themselves so they’re incapable of Gospel love. Which may I pontificate originates in Genesis 1 that we are made in God’s image.
    *note: compost fascinates me :), it’s Mother Nature’s equivalent of a scrap afghan or quilt 🙂

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