Art by Moon Diva Art
“I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” ~ Pippi Longstocking
Another Year, Another Chance.
I remember being in my 20s thinking about the future. The year 2000 seemed like something from a space movie. It felt a little scary at the time. Here we are starting 2025, and if I’m honest, it still feels scary.
Over Christmas, I began pondering what I wanted to write about this week. Life can be chaotic, challenging, and short. I quickly determined that I want to do things that bring me more joy in the year ahead. Who doesn’t need a little more joy, right? Aptly, I’m calling it my Joy List.
Things like:
Remember to be silly. When was the last time you allowed yourself to act silly?
Play games more. Pull out that dusty Scrabble or Yahtzee game.
Wear all the scarves in my closet throughout the year. I have enough to cover all four seasons!
Wear a dress sometime, for no reason.
Invite a friend(s) over even if my house is not as perfect as I’d like it to be. They do not care about my house; they care about me.
Take more pictures.
Handwrite cards and letters to my friends and family.
Be kind to people who are unkind to me. In fact, be kind to everyone.
What would be on your Joy List? I encourage you to give it a go. Let’s see how much joy we can cultivate.
While we are at it, let us remember to be grateful that we have another year and another chance.
Happy New Year, all!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year my sweet forever friend! I love your list of joyful things to do! I’m going to try and be more creative this year! LOVE YOU!
Happy New Year, Friend! Puppies Long stockings remains an alter hero of mine. Just love her free-spiritedness! Any who, I appreciate your year-end suggestion.
Recently, I surprised myself by being a bit spontaneous and wow, the universe awarded me a few hours of “happy”.