Live Gratitude Every Day

Art copyright by Joanne Sharpe for Tuesday Blog with THCountzWrites
Art by Joanne Sharpe

"Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace." ~ Arianna Huffington

Live gratitude every day.

This week in the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving. The day set aside and made a national holiday by Abe Lincoln long ago.

Its original purpose was to take time to be thankful for all that we have. I like to believe that is still pretty much what most of us feel the day represents.

The older I get the more grateful I feel. When I talk with my friends, they convey the same. Perhaps as we age, we have had life experiences that remind us how lucky we are. Whatever the cause, it is a tremendous help on days that are hard to navigate.

In the late 90s I had the privilege and joy to work with two wonderful musicians. We wrote praise music for our small congregation in Nolensville, TN. Each Sunday we led that small group of loving folks and taught them to sing the songs.

One particular song has floated through my mind today, and I have decided to share it here. The words are written by Denise Landis and the music by Jayson McCoy. I had the fun of singing it. Aptly titled, “Grateful.”

I hope you enjoy the week. I pray you have a wonderful meal to share with someone or enjoy by yourself. Remember to think about all the many people in your life that you love and feel their love in return. Be grateful for a roof over your head, a job or monthly income, a vehicle to take you places, clothes to put on.

I challenge myself and you to live gratitude every day, not once a year on the third Thursday of November.

3 thoughts on “Live Gratitude Every Day”

  1. Beautiful! I wore that cd out!
    We sang this in church Sunday morning. Every time I hear it I’m reminded of my blessings.

    While the world looks upon me
    As I struggle along
    They say I have nothing
    But they are so wrong
    In my heart, I’m rejoicing
    How I wish they could see
    Thank you Lord
    For your blessings on me
    … There’s a roof up above me
    I’ve a good place to sleep
    There’s food on my table
    And shoes on my feet
    You gave me your love Lord
    And a fine family
    Thank you Lord
    For your blessings on me
    … Although I’m not wealthy
    And these clothes, they’re not new
    I don’t have much money
    But Lord, I have you
    To me, that’s all that matters
    Though the world may not see
    Thank you Lord
    For your blessings on me
    … There’s a roof up above me
    I’ve a good place to sleep
    There’s food on my table
    And shoes on my feet
    You gave me your love Lord
    And a fine family
    Thank you Lord
    For your blessings on me
    … Thank you Lord
    For your blessings on me

  2. Thank-you Tracey for a delightful reminder of the authentic meaning of Thanksgiving AND thank-you Tina Morgan for your posting.

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